Legal Statement

General use conditions 

ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. inform that the Access to the website and all of the subdomains and directories included under the mentioned website as well as the services that could be accessed through this page, are subjected to the terms described in this Legal Statement, without legal prejudice that the access to the services or contents might require the aceptance of addtional general conditions

1. You are visiting the website, belonging to ERIS ENGINEERING, S.L. , with address in Av. Madrid  (centro empresas Alcalá Office ) Alcalá de Henares 28802 MADRID with CIF B87897252, registered in Registro Mercatil Madrid, Tomo 37, 144, libro 0, fol. 100, sección 8, hoja M662992 Inscripcion 1º
You can contact with ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. through: e-mail:

 2. Those conditions ( from now on Legal Statement) have the purpose to regulate the use of this website that ERIS ENGINEERING, S.L. makes available to everybody. The access and / or use of this website from ERIS ENGINEERING, S.L. provides the condition of user, that accept from the access/use  the general conditions mentioned here. Those conditions willl be applied independently to the general contract conditions to be observed. 

3. provides the Access to lot of informations, services, programs or data ( from now on “the content”) in Internet that belong to ERIS ENGINEERING, S.L. or its licensors to which the user might have access.

The USER assumes the reasposibility for the use of the portal. This responsibilty includes the register, if needed, to access to some services or contents. In this register the USER is reponsible to provide real information and valid legal. As consequence of the register, the USER can be provided with password which remains under the USER’s resposibility, undertaking to make a diligent and confidential use of the password. 

The USER is commited to make an appropiate use of the contents and services (for instance  contact template) that ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. can offer through its portal and ( as information, but not limiting), not to use for:

•Make unlawful or ilegal activities or opposite to goodfaith or public order
•Spread contents or propaganda rated as racist, xenophobic, pornografic-ilegal, terrorism support or attacking against human rights
•Provoque damages  to the physical and logical systems of ERIS ENGINEERING S.L., its suppliers or third persons, introduce or spread through the net informatic virus or any other system physical or logical to be able to cause the previous metioned damages
•Try to access and, in some cases, use e-mail account of other user and modify or manipulate its messages.
•Use the website for informations with comercial, political or advertisement purposes and for any comercial use specially the sending of non requested e-mails

ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. has the right to delete any comments and remarks that violate the respect to the person dignity and considered as discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornografic to attack the youth of childhood, the public order or security, or considered not suitable to publication. In any case, ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. is not resposible for the opinions made by the users through discusion forums, chats or any other participation tools

4. Everything related to the data protection policy is included in the privacy policy document 

5. ERIS ENGINEERING is the owner of all intelectual and industrial rights  of its website, as well as the elements included in its website ( as information: images, pictures, sound, audio, video, software or texts, brands or logo, colours combinations, structure and design, used materials selection, computer programs needed for the operation, access and use, …) belonging to ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. or its licensors.

Rights are reserved. According to the articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph 2 of the Intelectual Property Law, it is totally forbiden the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the category to open totally or partly the contents of this website, in any media and through any technical support, without the ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. approval. The USER is commited to respect the Intelectual and Industrial porperty rights belonging to  ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. The USER can visualize elements of the portal or even print, copy and store in the hardisk of his computer or any other physical device, only if it is for personal and private usage. The USER is not allowed to delete, alter,  avoid or manipulate any security device or system installes in the website of ERIS ENGINEERING S.L.  

6. The USER asumes that the use of the website and its contents and services is done under its unique resposibility. More specific, ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. does not asume any resposibility in the following aspects:
a)Operation avilability of the website, its services and contents or its quality or interoperatibility
b)Aiming that the website would be useful for the USER targets
c)Infraction of the current laws by the USER, third parts and more specific of the intelectual or industrial property rights belonging to other persons or entities
d) The existence of malicious codes or any other harmful informatic element that might cause damages to the informatic system of the USER or third part. The USER has the responsibilty to have suitable tools to detect and disinfect  those elements e) Dishonest access to contents or services by not authorized third parts or, in case, capture, deleting, altering, modifying or manipulating messages of any kind that those thrid parts might perform f) The accuracy, truthfulness, updating and usefulness of the offered contents and services and further use done by the USER. ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. will do all efforts and reasonable resources to provide updated and credible information.
g) Damages made to informatic devices during the access to the website and the damages made to the USERS when the origin is located in failures or breakdown of the communications network to stop the service. h) Damages or harms due to circumstances that happenned is accidental case or force majeure In case of discusión forum, the use of them or similar spaces, it  should be noticed, that the messages are only the opinión of the USER who states and is the only resposible. ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. does not asume any resposibility of the messages send by the USER 

7. ERIS ENGINEERING S.L.  reserve the right to modify this Legal Statement without previous announcement the changes considered as appropriate to its portal, and can change, add or delete the contents and services offered in the website as well as the appearance used to present or reaching in its portal. The validity of the mentioned conditions will depend on the owner criteria and will be valid till further modification or any other duly published 

8. In case that includes links or hypeelinks to other Internet websites, ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. will have no control at all over those websites and contents. In no case ERIS  ENGINEERING S.L. will asume any resposibility for the content af any link to a external website,  neither will guaranteee the technical availabilty quality, trustability, accuracy, truthfullness, validity  and law respect of any material or information in any of those hyperlinks or othe Internet websites. In the same way, the inclusion of those external links will not mean any type of association, fusion or participation with the linked entities

9. ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. reserves the right to deny or withdraw the access to the portal and/ or services offered without any previous announcement, at own request of from third part, to those who violate the content of this Legal Statement 

10. ERIS ENGINEERING S.L. will prosecute the breach of those conditions as well as any improper use of its portal carrying out all civil and criminal proceedings to be used according to legislation 

11.The relation between ERIS AUDIO ENGINEERING S.L. and the user will be subject by the current valid spanish laws. All disputes and claims related to this Legal Statement will be dealed by the court of Madrid